I want to stop all the animations that are happening on the Local Player. Is there a way I can do this using tables or what?
All feedback is great. Thanks.
im not 100% sure if this would necessarily "stop" the animation. But it would destroy it so therefor it would be nothing else to play >.>
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Script:GetChildren())do if v:IsA("Animation") then v:Destroy() end end
If you want to temporarily disable them, the simplest way to do so is storing their AnimationId and changing it to an empty string to disable them.
local animation_id = Animation.AnimationId Animation.AnimationId = "" --disabled --later Animation.AnimationId = animation_id --enabled
For multiple animations, I suggest looping through them and storing their AnimationIds in a table.