So I want to have only specific people spawn with specific hats. e.g. I want my friend to spawn with his fedora and I want another friend to spawn with a dominus.
How would I do this? Thanks.
First, let me note this is not a request site. In the future try to do it yourself then come here if you cant get it to work
game.Players.PlayerEntered:connect(function(plr) -- activate this when a player enters if plr.Name == "plr1" or "plr2" then -- see if the name is plr1 or plr2 repeat wait() until plr.Character ~= nil -- wait for the character to load --I recommend putting the hat already into the game game.ReplicatedStorage.HAT:Clone().Parent = plr.Character -- clone the hat and parent it to the players character end end)
this was a request and it got answered but everytime i ask a question it gets classes as a request. wtf!!