I am trying to make a script where when you click a tool a sphere appears around you that part works and it goes away after 10 seconds as intended but the tool cant be used again help?
tool = script.Parent Bewm = game.ServerStorage.Sphere Bewm2 = game.ServerStorage.Sphere:Clone() playerMouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() tool.Equipped:connect(function(eventMouse) eventMouse.Button1Down:connect(function() Bewm2.Parent = game.Workspace Bewm2.Position = tool end) end)
That is the code in the tool
Bewm1 = script.Parent wait(10) Bewm1:Destroy()
That is the code in the sphere itself please help
If you are planning on still being able to use the tool, after an amount of time then you need to use the Debris Service
So your code with be like:
Bewm1 = script.Parent game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(Bewm1, 10)