players = game.Players player = game.Players.LocalPlayer character = player.Character hum = character.Humanoid cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera function PlayerSetup() while true do hum.WalkSpeed = 0 wait(.01) end end players.PlayerAdded:connect(PlayerSetup)
You could always just anchor the Torso, then make the Camera's CameraType
Here's a quick edit of your code with that added in:
players = game.Players player = game.Players.LocalPlayer character = player.Character hum = character.Humanoid cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera function PlayerSetup() while true do Character.Torso.Anchored = true cam.CameraType = "Scriptable" wait() end end players.PlayerAdded:connect(PlayerSetup)
And there you go, that's it.
If you have any further problems/questions, please leave a comment below, and I'll see what I can do. Hope I helped :P