I am currently making a Sword Fighting game on Roblox. I have made a lobby where you spawn in with windows to see the game after you die. I made a TextLabel which is supposed to say Intermission 15 and countdown to 0 after there are 2 or more players in game. When it reaches 0 it is supposed to create a clone of a random map I made from the ServerStorage and clone it to the Workspace making it visible. Right after it is visible the players should spawn down into the map and receive their sword and fight until the death. After they die they will spawn back into the Lobby and watch the remainder of the game. After everyone is dead or there is a final victor the map clone should be deleted and they should all warp back to the Lobby. My problem is when I test the game the textlabel just sits there. WIthout ANY text and the maps never load in.
The script for the text label alone:
local replicatedstorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local status = replicatedstorage:WaitForChild('InfoValue')
script.Parent.Text = status.Value status.Changed:connect(function() script.Parent.Text = status.Value end)
The mainscript used for it all: local replicatedstorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage') local status = replicatedstorage:WaitForChild('InfoValue') local mapstorage = game.Workspace:WaitForChild('mapStorage') while true do
while game.Players.NumPlayers < 2 do status.Value = "There needs to be 2 or more players to begin" repeat wait(2) until game.Players.NumPlayers >= 2 end
for i = 15,0,-1 do status.Value = 'Intermission '..i wait(1) end
local mapsinserverstorage = game:GetService('ServerStorage'):GetChildren() local chosenmap = mapsinserverstorage(math.random(1, #mapsinserverstorage)) chosenmap:Clone().Parent = mapstorage wait(2) mapstorage:ClearAllChildren() end
If anyone could help me figure out what I might be doing wrong, please let me know. Also if you need anymore information also just let me know. Thank you!