--Made by xMinerHaven, Hope you enjoy!-- --Version 1.4, Made on Thanksgiving 2015-- --Thanks for buying/using-- l = game:service("Lighting") r = game:service("RunService") while true do l:SetMinutesAfterMidnight(l:GetMinutesAfterMidnight()+1) wait(.5) end
I'm not sure if it will work, but I'll leave it up to you guys.
It works, well for me it works.. Not sure on a public server
Here's a better day/night script. I used some of your codes and upgraded it. I spend almost 30 minutes on it but here you go, xMinerHaven. All you have to do is put this into a normal script and place it in work space.
DAY_TIME_IN_MIN = 15 local dhour = 10 local dmin = 0 while true do wait(DAY_TIME_IN_MIN/24) dmin = dmin + 1 if dmin >= 60 then dmin = 0 dhour = dhour + 1 if dhour >= 24 then dhour = 0 end end game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = dhour..":"..dmin end