What I'm trying to do:
I want to encode the CFrame of a part, but hopefully eliminate the rotation matrix if it is unnecessary (all bricks will end up facing upwards, and that is fine). For example, if the Rotation = Vector3.new(90, 0, 0)
then we can remove the need to encode rotation by switching the z and y coordinates of Size: Size = Vector3.new(Size.x, Size.z, Size.y)
I don't want to modify the rotation or Size of the part I am encoding, so I want to manipulate the data only.
Here is unconfirmed ways you are supposed to manipulate the xyz's:
Rot = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0) Size = Vector3.new(x, y, z) Rot = Vector3.new(0, 0, 90) Size = Vector3.new(y, x, z) Rot = Vector3.new(0, 90, 0) Size = Vector3.new(z, x, y) Rot = Vector3.new(90, 0, 0) Size = Vector3.new(x, z, y) Rot = Vector3.new(90, 90, 0) Size = Vector3.new(y, z, x) Rot = Vector3.new(90, 0, 90) Size = Vector3.new(z, x, y)
Also keep in mind there are positive and negative 90's and 180's, those are the same to us, so let's narrow the possibilities:
-- Make stuff positive -- 180's can be removed, as they do not change anything except which way the brick is facing -- This modifies Rotation, but the final script hopefully will not if brick.Rotation.x = -90 then brick.Rotation = Vector3.new(90, brick.Rotation.y, brick.Rotation.z) end if brick.Rotation.y = -90 then brick.Rotation = Vector3.new(brick.Rotation.x, 90, brick.Rotation.z) end if brick.Rotation.z = -90 then brick.Rotation = Vector3.new(brick.Rotation.x, brick.Rotation.y, 90) end if brick.Rotation.x == 180 or brick.Rotation.x == -180 then brick.Rotation = Vector3.new(0, brick.Rotation.y, brick.Rotation.z) end if brick.Rotation.y == 180 or brick.Rotation.y == -180 then brick.Rotation = Vector3.new(brick.Rotation.x, 0, brick.Rotation.z) end if brick.Rotation.z == 180 or brick.Rotation.z == -180 then brick.Rotation = Vector3.new(brick.Rotation.x, brick.Rotation.y, 0) end
This is how you isolate the Rotation Matrix in a CFrame:
local rotation = part1.CFrame - part1.Position local x, y, z, R00, R01, R02, R10, R11, R12, R20, R21, R22 = rotation:components()
I don't expect anyone to write this script for me. What I would like to know from someone, is if it is possible to write this script without manually checking for each specific case, and then acting accordingly. Again, the script can't modify the Brick we are finding the CFrame of. Any ideas?
Here is a solution assuming the part of axis-aligned (but maybe rotated by 90 degrees in any way)
(note that for non-symmetrical textures like wood and sand, it might not be correct to eliminate the rotation as you want)
local low = part.CFrame * (part.Size / 2) loacl high = part.CFrame * (-part.Size / 2) local dx = math.abs(high.x - low.x) local dy = math.abs(high.y - low.y) local dz = math.abs(high.z - low.z)
Then a part with CFrame CFrame.new(part.Position)
and size Vector3.new(dx, dy, dz)
should take up the same space that part
I think you can check that the part is axis aligned by just making sure the dimensions are the same, just reordered:
local old = {part.Size.x, part.Size.y, part.Size.z} local new = {dx, dy, dz} table.sort(old) table.sort(new) if old[1] == new[1] and old[2] == new[2] and old[3] == new[3] then -- was (probably) axis aligned! else -- was definitely not axis aligned end