while true do local startingtime = 100 local maps = game.Lighting.maps:getchildren() ranMap = math.random getmapschildren() (#1) wait(1.5) for startingtime = 100, 1, -1 do startingtxt = Instance.new("Hint", Workspace) startingtxt.Text = "Intermission: " ..startingtime wait(0.1) game.Workspace.Message:remove() end roundstarting = Instance.new("Hint", Workspace) roundstarting.Text = "Round is starting soon." wait(2.5) game.Workspace.Message:remove() donetimer = Instance.new("Hint", Workspace) donetimer.Text = "Loading Map." wait(1) game.Workspace.Message:remove() donetimer2 = Instance.new("Hint", Workspace) donetimer2.Text = "Loading Map.." wait(1) game.Workspace.Message:remove() donetimer3 = Instance.new("Hint", Workspace) donetimer3.Text = "Loading Map..." wait(1) game.Workspace.Message:remove() mapchosen = Instance.new("Hint", Workspace) mapchosen.Text = "The map has fully loaded!" ..maps[ranMap] "!" wait(3) game.Workspace.Message:remove() script.Parent.ranMap.name = game.Players.getchildren() move() end
Is this ok? (If I get the script wrong, just know I am new at scripting)
ranMap = math.random getmapschildren() (#1)
ranMap = math.random(1,#maps)
This code is inefficient. Instead of making a new hint and destroying it, why not edit the text of it?
for startingtime = 100, 1, -1 do startingtxt = Instance.new("Hint", Workspace) startingtxt.Text = "Intermission: " ..startingtime wait(0.1) game.Workspace.Message:remove() end
for startingtime = 100, 1, -1 do startingtxt = Instance.new("Hint", Workspace) startingtxt.Text = "Intermission: " ..startingtime wait(0.1) game.Workspace.Message:remove() end
local NewTxt function NewRound() if NewTxt then NewTxt:Destroy() end NewTxt = Instance.new("Hint",game.Workspace) for startingtime = 100, 1, -1 do NewTxt.Text = "Intermission: " ..startingtime wait(.1) end --game started NewTxt.Text = "Game started" end
Then edit your other lines to go with that code above. Make sure to call the function NewRound().
This line of code:
script.Parent.ranMap.name = game.Players.getchildren()
will error. Please reply to this post what that line is supposed to do.