These scripts is only working in studio. Why?
wait(2) player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local cash = game.ServerStorage.PlayerMoney:FindFirstChild(player.Name) --Getting cash value. cash.Changed:connect(function() --Called when the cash value changes. --(when money is added or subtracted) game.Workspace.Display.GUI.Amount.Text = "$ " --Set the display value. end)
And this one:
wait(2) local Msg = "Thank you for playing!" local Msg2 = "Remember to favorite and thumbs up!" local Msg3 = "This game is far from done, expect massive improvement!" player = game.Players.LocalPlayer cash = game.ServerStorage.PlayerMoney:FindFirstChild(player.Name) local Msg4 = "You have: $" while true do for i = 1, string.len(Msg) do script.Parent.Text = string.sub(Msg,1,i) --Since i is always increasing until it gets to its final number, we'll use that as the third argument of string.sub() wait(1/10) --We'll wait a tenth of a second before moving on. end wait(3) for i = 1, string.len(Msg2) do script.Parent.Text = string.sub(Msg2,1,i) wait(1/10) end wait(3) for i = 1, string.len(Msg3) do script.Parent.Text = string.sub(Msg3,1,i) wait(1/10) end wait(3) script.Parent.Text = "" wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "Y" wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "Yo" wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "You" wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "You " wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "You h" wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "You ha" wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "You hav" wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "You have" wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "You have:" wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "You have: " wait(1/10) script.Parent.Text = "You have: " wait(3) --We'll wait three seconds before doing the process over again. end
Thank you for helping!