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Why is this giving me a 401 error (trello)?

Asked by 9 years ago

I am trying to make a trello report system (like a trello application system) and the script works if its on a button, but its a Remote Event and it does not work...

Script that adds to trello

local finder=script.Parent.Parent.Reports:FindFirstChild(pl.Name)
local desc=[[
        [Group name]

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[Even more info]
    local is=ap:GetListID("Incoming Calls",id)
    ap:AddCard('Reporter: ',desc,is.."")

Game layout: Workspace -Folder --RemoteEvents ---Reports --Reports

Anywhere where there is [ ] it is a valid name I have removed.

when the game is run either in studio test, studio game, or normal game it gives a error 401.

The token is correct and I am in the trello board. I have the trello board on public and on private and neither worked.

Extra Information: Trello API: nstrike159 Trello Private: false/true Trello script settings (private): true / false Yes.. The remove event is being called..

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