This script is simple. It's a GUI scoreboard for a soccer stadium that partners with another script which says to let only "Player1" see the GUI and make changes to the TextBoxes seen in this script. This script, when disabled, will let Test Mode run while the other script is running. When not disabled, Test Mode won't load up. I'm tired and confused, so I'd appreciate it if someone would help me out.
wait(10) a = script.Parent.Home.TeamName.Text b = script.Parent.Home.Score.Text c = script.Parent.Away.TeamName.Text d = script.Parent.Away.Score.Text while true do game.StarterGui.Score.Home.Text = a .. ": " .. b game.StarterGui.Score.Away.Text = c .. ": " .. d end wait(10) script.Disabled = true script.Disabled = false
You forgot wait() without it the while functions run infinitly fast crashing the studio.
wait(10) a = script.Parent.Home.TeamName.Text b = script.Parent.Home.Score.Text c = script.Parent.Away.TeamName.Text d = script.Parent.Away.Score.Text while true do wait() game.StarterGui.Score.Home.Text = a .. ": " .. b game.StarterGui.Score.Away.Text = c .. ": " .. d end --anything after this wont work because above is an infite loop wait(10) script.Disabled = true script.Disabled = false