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Does Lua support OverLoading functions? (Two identically named functions with different parameters)

Asked by
Necrorave 560 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Hey guys, I was wondering if Lua or Roblox supports the idea of having multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.


1function add(one, two)
2    --Code
5function add(one, two, three)
6    --Code

Using the above example, would I be able to call one of the functions depending on the amount of parameters I pass?

Lets say I call add(1, 1) would that then call the first function properly?

Same thing goes for add(1, 1, 2)?

If there is a link to this, let me know. I was looking but I could not find it.

2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago

I believe you meant to say overloading and not overriding and the answer is no. Lua believes that the function is being redefined and will only use the most recently defined function.


01function add(one, two)
02    print(one+two)
05function add(one, two, three)
06    print(one+two+three)
10--input:6: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (local 'three')

However, there is an easy work-around to this. You can set default values by using a quick relational operation.

1function add(one, two, three)
2    three = three or 0;
3    print(one+two+three)

However, with multiple inputs, the solution mentioned above may seem annoying. A last solution could be execution based on inputs:

1function add(one, two)
2    if type(one) == "string" && type(two) == "number" then
3        print(one..two)
4    elseif type(one) == "number" && type(two) == "number" then
5        print(one+two)
6    end

But in summary, Lua doesn't allow type-based overloading.

EDIT Interesting link here

Ah, yes. I get my terms mixed up a lot. I will fix the title. Thanks for the answer, too. Necrorave 560 — 9y
The reason Lua doesn't allow type-based overloading is Lua variables do not have types. You can use Tables to sort functions with the same names but different numbers or types of parameters, though. adark 5487 — 9y
huh, that "pseudo overloading" bit was interesting. XAXA 1569 — 9y
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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
9 years ago

DigitalVeer's answer is correct. Because parameters don't have types, and because function declarations are assignments, overloading isn't possible.

A related concept, variadic functions, however, are possible. A variadic function is one that can take any number of parameters.

An example in Lua is math.min.

You can write variadic functions in Lua using ... as the name of a parameter to the function. Then, ... is a tuple of all of the arguments. Usually this is most usefully handled by immediately dumping it into a table.

For example, here is a variadic definition of add:

01function add(...)
02    local t = {...}
03    local sum = t[1]
04    for i = 2, #t do
05        sum = sum + t[i]
06    end
07    return sum
10print( add(1) ) -- 1
11print( add(1, 2, 3) ) -- 6
12print( add(,1,1),, 0, 0),, 0, 0),,0,-1) ) )
13-- 10, 1, 0

For your example, this is what you want -- variadic functions, not overloading (though overloading definitely has its uses, it's unfortunately not directly possible in Lua since Lua is not typed)

This is definitely a good work around in most cases. Thanks for the info on Variadic functions Necrorave 560 — 9y
Hay there I'm back here after a long long time, can you please elaborate why parameters not having types make overloading impossible. Also typed lua is gonna become a thing soon, will function overloading become possible? starmaq 1290 — 4y

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