I know that in C# you can use public variables that other scripts can use, but can you do the same in lua?
You have two options regarding what you are looking for.
First would be whats we call Global Variables. You can declare a global variable by placing _G.
before the name of the variable. You will be able to call this variable from almost any script within your game file.
Script 1:
_G.bool = true -- Creates a global variable and assigns 'true' as the value
print (_G.bool) --Should print 'true'
Another option would be to create a Module Script with variables you wish to use in multiple scripts. These work somewhat similar to global variables when you refer to them in other scripts.
Lets say you made a module script returned the array of variables called _M
. After you pull the module script into your new script, you can refer to the variables as _M.variable
or whatever you named the variable you created in the module script.
Example of module script:
_M = { bool = true } return _M
How to call the variable in the module script:
_M = require('Path to Module Script') -- This will call the module script and return the variables print (_M.bool) --This should print 'true'
Let me know if this answers your question.