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Would slow computers mess with the Renderstepped function?

Asked by
yelsew 205 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Renderstepped runs every render frame. About 1/60th of a second. Theoretically, if you were to use this function and someone runs it on a slower computer, wouldn't the script run at whatever speed the computer is rendering the game? I am a bit curious on if the speed of the computer affects this function. How would it affect scripts if it did slow down?

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Renderstepped is actually fired upon everytime the frame is updated so it's based on the fps (frames per second)

Theoretically you are right but not in that way. If the computers video card is slow then the proccecing of the actual framei s slowed hence lowered frames per second and it depends on the script. But for the most case it will be so minimal you wont see it.

1+ Renderstepped is based on the graphic card, and having a poor card means slower render frames per second. Therefore, the rendersteps gets skewed. Im_Kritz 334 — 9y
You can actually see this (a lower fps) if you unfocus the ROBLOX window -- the frame rate drops a lot (on purpose). BlueTaslem 18071 — 9y
Whop ^ thanks I forgot to add this User#5978 25 — 9y
Thanks, I really wanted a clear answer on this. yelsew 205 — 9y

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