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What do I have wrong? I need some help!

Asked by 9 years ago

I am trying to make a Hunger Game's countdown script, What's supposed to happen is that when I say the command, (Only certain people can, just like a holo brick used for doors in wargroup places)there would be a BilboardGUI that turns on when the command is said, and does a countdown (Decals, not text) with a sound that plays for 1 second, for ten seconds, there is a hint on the top of the screen that welcomes the players before the countdown starts, and when the countdown ends, while they tell you the numbers the countdown it's at, the bilboardgui disables itself afterwards, and the command can be run again. Can anybody help? I don't see the errors.

Tree: Workspace Countdown Script Music Brick BillboardGui ImageLabel

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

local sound = script.Music local waitingTime = script.Music.TimeLength local cd10 = "" local cd9 = "" local cd8 = "" local cd7 = "" local cd6 = "" local cd5 = "" local cd4 = "" local cd3 = "" local cd2 = "" local cd1 = "" admins == {"EternaAurora","Duskriser","Player","Player1"} --Admin names here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function isAdmin(name) for i,v in pairs(admins) do if name:lower() == v:lower() then return true end end return false end local countdownGui=script.Parent.BillboardGui game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) if isAdmin(p.Name) then p.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if msg == ":start countdown" then -- script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Visible = true -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd10 wait (waitingTime) -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd9 wait (waitingTime) -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd8 wait (waitingTime) -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd7 wait (waitingTime) -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd6 wait (waitingTime) -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd5 wait (waitingTime) -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd4 wait (waitingTime) -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd3 wait (waitingTime) -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd2 wait (waitingTime) -- sound.Play() script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Image = cd1 wait (waitingTime) -- script.Parent.BillboardGui.ImageLabel.Visible = false end end) end end)

1 answer

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Answered by
neff111 20
9 years ago

Unfortunately, Hints don't exist anymore. This might be your issue. qq

Oh. qq Duskriser 5 — 9y
I edited it and took hints off, I will see if it will work now, Duskriser 5 — 9y
The 'Hint' instance does still exist. It just has to be called and returned from the '' function. TheeDeathCaster 2368 — 9y
Ahhhh, I guess they re-added it for script compatibility. Good to know. :l neff111 20 — 9y

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