I made a script with 3 things but the model regen part doesn't work? Whats wrong with the regen part? Everything work fine only that not. Someone know how to fix this problem? Thanks ;)
BTW: Its not working anymore the other parts bc the regen is broken but without the regen everyting works fine.
[ Warning don't test the script without changes! Error: Roblox crashes when you touch the brick! ]
Step 1: Making a clone
if (object ~= nil) and (object ~= game.Workspace) then -- Regen model part (Not working) model = object backup = model:clone() end
Step 2: Remove when player touched
while true do -- remove model (Not working) model:remove() end
Step 3: Replace back after removed and regens
if (object ~= nil) and (object ~= game.Workspace) then -- place model back (not working) model = backup:clone() model.Parent = game.Workspace model:makeJoints() end
Full script;
debounce = false -- For respawn when player touches (Player respawn) object = script.Parent --For regen when player touches local ting = 0 -- touching if (object ~= nil) and (object ~= game.Workspace) then -- Regen model part (Not working) model = object backup = model:clone() end function onTouched(hit) if ting == 0 then ting = 1 check = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if check ~= nil then local user = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) -- for player find local stats = user:findFirstChild("leaderstats") -- for the score while true do -- remove model (Not working) model:remove() end if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") and debounce == false then --Respawn player part (works) debounce = true game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent):LoadCharacter() end debounce = false wait (0.5) if stats ~= nil then --Score reset (Works) local cash = stats:findFirstChild("Score") if cash.Value >= 0 then cash.Value = cash.Value == 0 end end end ting = 0 end end if (object ~= nil) and (object ~= game.Workspace) then -- place model back (not working) model = backup:clone() model.Parent = game.Workspace model:makeJoints() end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)