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How can I make a 3rd person camera?

Asked by
Teeter11 281 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

Not using the one built into roblox, but make my own. Im not asking for a script I am just wondering how to go about this.

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Well, first you'll want to go into a LocalScript in StarterGui and start out with this:


while wait() do

This will set the camera off of the character's Humanoid and allow you to code about. For this method, I suggest playing around with CoordinateFrame. I also suggest, to make it easier, setting to a part's CFrame. Such as character's Torso or Head.

The second method is simply resetting the CameraSubject. By default it's the character's humanoid.

Here's the way to do that:


while wait() do
game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject=part --Set this to the part to set the camera to.

If I helped, hit that accept!

Also, if I missed something, just comment. :D

How could i make it so that the mouse stays in the middle of the screen? Teeter11 281 — 9y
Force the camera into first person mode, then mess with the camera's CFrame again to account for the zoom that first person brings. drew1017 330 — 9y
He may want an FPS camera. ChemicalHex 979 — 9y

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