Hey guys, this script should start round when there are atleast 4 players. I tried a test server with 4 players and the function is not being called, why is that?
All variables and Function names are correct.
while true do wait(5) a = game.Workspace.Time.Tme if game.Players.NumPlayers == 3 then Text = "Waiting for 1 more player" for i=1,#Text do a.Value = Text:sub(1,i) wait(0.1) end elseif game.Players.NumPlayers >3 then ChooseRound() --More than 3 players (I.E 4+): Call function. Not calling... else Text = "Waiting for "..(4-game.Players.NumPlayers).." More Players" for i=1,#Text do a.Value = Text:sub(1,i) wait(0.1) end end wait(1.9) a.Value = "" end