Im going to use the following script to dont let players jump. This script only works in offline mod.How can i use it for all of the players in server??
local player=game.Players.LocalPlayer local human=player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") human.Changed:connect(function() human.Jump=false; end)
It doesnt let localplayer to jump. Help me PLZ
You most likely put it in a localscript in the wrong place, or put it in a script in the right. I've fixed your code. Make sure you put this in a LocalScript inside the playerScripts, StarterPack or StarterGui.
wait(.1) local player=game.Players.LocalPlayer local human=player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") human.JumpPower=0
there you go! Hope I helped. :D If I did, hit that accept button!
(Also, the semicolen is not needed in Lua coding)
EDIT: just an FYI, JumpPower is how high the humanoid can jump.