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Is there a way to remove player points once a player has earned them?

Asked by
Sxerks3 65
9 years ago

So, I was trying to make a ranking system, using player points. Whenever you die, you lose 10 player points, but if you kill someone, you earn 10 player points per kill. I'm just asking if it's possible to remove player points once a player has earned them, and if so, how would you go about doing so?

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Answered by
Shawnyg 4330 Trusted Badge of Merit Snack Break Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

I'm not completely aware of a way to remove PlayerPoints. I don't believe ROBLOX would do such a thing, as that could be abused. My suggestion, is to create rounds, and have a script track how many points a player earns each round, then distribute it accordingly.

The only problem with that is that it runs through universes, so I guess I'm just going to use DataStore to save and load their ratings through each world. Sxerks3 65 — 9y
Oh, didn't know it was universes. Alright Shawnyg 4330 — 9y

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