[All I want to know is if this is the right way to do the text, not if the heiracy might be wrong, just if this is the right way.]I'm trying to give my hint this text
"stuff appeared in "..script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Entrance.Claim.Name
but it doesn't give it the text
If Claim
is an existing object that has a name, then this should work. The concatenation is correct syntax-wise. As long as you are setting the Hint
's text to what you have here, it should work.
If it isn't working, check the Output Window
for any errors.
If there aren't any errors, try setting the hint
's text to purely a string
to see if it is your hint
that is the problem.
If it correctly set the hint
's text to the string
, then try setting it to purely Claim.Name
. If that doesn't work, then Claim
is the problem. Make sure the object Claim
has a property called Name
and that Name
isn't blank.
If none of that works, I'm not entirely sure.