Thats like if i click a text button on game, then a info gui will open.who can tell me how to make that button?
I have a short and simple script, this should be a Local Script
located in a Text Button
change GUI_NAME to the name of your GUI. And change the FRAME_NAME to the name of your Frame
local frame = script.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild('GUI_NAME').FRAME_NAME script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() frame.Visible = not frame.Visible end)
Hope this helps!
Well, I would make a Frame in a Gui for your info and make it invisible. Then, I would make a TextButton with the following local script:
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent.Parent.Frame.Visible=true script.Parent.Visible=false end)
Put a exit button of sorts in the Frame and put a similar script in that:
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent.Parent.Visible=false script.Parent.Parent.Parent.TextButton.Visible=true end)
You can make the name of the Frame and the TextButton anything you want, just make sure you change it to that in the code. If you really know what you are doing, you could make a animation to it such as making it slowly move off the screen.