local redlight = game.Workspace.StartLight.RedModel.LightBulb.PointLight local yellowlight = game.Workspace.StartLight.YellowModel.LightBulb.PointLight local greenlight = game.Workspace.StartLight.GreenModel.LightBulb.PointLight local checkpoint1 = game.Workspace.CheckPoint1 local checkpoint2 = game.Workspace.CheckPoint2 wait(2) redlight.Enabled = true wait(2) redlight.Enabled = false yellowlight.Enabled = true wait(2) yellowlight.Enabled = false greenlight.Enabled = true wait(2) greenlight.Enabled = false checkpoint1.Transparency = 0.3 checkpoint1.CanCollide = false function checkpoint1hit(otherpart) print ("checkpoint1 was hit") print (otherpart.Name) if otherpart ~= nil and otherpart.Parent ~= nil and otherpart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")then checkpoint2.Transparency = 0.3 checkpoint2.CanCollide = false checkpoint1.Transparency = 2 checkpoint1.CanCollide = false if not checkpoint1:FindFirstChild(otherpart.Parent.Name)then local PlayerTag = Instance.new("StringValue") PlayerTag.Parent = checkpoint1 PlayerTag.Name = otherpart.Parent.Name end end end function checkpoint2hit(otherpart) print ("checkpoint2 was hit") print (otherpart.Name) if otherpart ~= nil and otherpart.Parent ~= nil and otherpart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")then checkpoint2.Transparency = 2 checkpoint2.CanCollide = false if not checkpoint2:FindFirstChild(otherpart.Parent.Name) and checkpoint1:FindFirstChild(otherpart.Parent.Name)then local PlayerTag = Instance.new("StringValue") PlayerTag.Parent = checkpoint2 PlayerTag.Name = otherpart.Parent.Name end end end checkpoint1.Touched:connect(checkpoint1hit) checkpoint2.Touched:connect(checkpoint2hit)
i want the checkpoints to appear for each person, so basically when the race starts if 1 of the racers get a checkpoint the checkpoint should stay on other players screen and they have to get the checkpoint to win the race please can i get some help on this i really need it
Well You can use the players Camera...
Cameras are Very Special and can be used to do ALOT of stuff.
If you Put a Part inside a CurrentCamera, then the person who owns the Camera can see the part, but for everyone else, the Part dose't Exist.
As far as I know, u can only access CurrentCameras with LocalScripts but I have't tryed to access a current camera with a normal script...
I hope this helps... Im just typing whats on my head...