I have a script that for every part in a model it puts a random block from lighting into that blocks position, but it just put all the blocks listed in Blocks in the same part, help
Blocks= {"Emerald","Ruby","Sapphire","Diamond","Coal","Coal","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Di rt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt","Dirt"} function Mako() for _, Part in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do if script.Parent.Parent.Generate.BrickColor ~= "Really red" then local Rocky = game.Lighting:FindFirstChild(Blocks[math.random(1,#Blocks)]) local Mine = Rocky:Clone() Mine.Position = script.Parent.Part.Position Mine.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Field else print("Cooling Down, Please wait") end end end script.Parent.Parent.Generate.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(Mako)
no errors, my if statement makes it have none