I am trying to make it so that a value is true whenever you are touching the scripts parent, however i'm having a lot of trouble. The Touch Ended is not reliable enough as it constantly goes off even when the player is still on the part, it is too inconsistent, and since the Touched function usually activates only once, the value stays at false even though you are still touching it. I have put my full script and a simplified version of the script I'm using below. Anyone know what I should do?
part=script.Parent ColorActive="Forest green" ColorInActive="Institutional white" part.Touched:connect(function(hit)--This only activates once usually if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")~=nil then touch = true local Touching=script.Parent.Touching part.BrickColor=BrickColor.new(ColorActive) repeat --print"Touching" Touching.Value=true wait(1) until not touch part.BrickColor=BrickColor.new(ColorInActive) Touching.Value=false end end) part.TouchEnded:connect(function() touch = false end)--If this activates while a person is still on it, then it won't activate again until they get off and get back on.
part.Touched:connect(function(hit)--This only activates once usually touch = true repeat wait(1) script.Parent.Touching.Value=true until not touch script.Parent.Touching.Value=false end) part.TouchEnded:connect(function() touch = false end)----If this activates while a person is still on it, it won't activate again until they get off and get back on, which isn't supposed to happen
The best way to go about doing this is using Magnitude, this allows you to get the distance between 2 parts. You could use this to check if the player is within a certain distance of the script's parent. You could use a while wait() do loop to constantly scan, a for loop to go through each of the players and getting their .Character, then finding the Magnitude between the player's torso and the part. Since this is a slight request, I'm telling you what scripting knowledge you need to do this. If this helped please vote up and accept as the answer!