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Whats the difference between these?

Asked by 9 years ago

Whats the difference between BindableFunction, RemoteFunction, BindableEvent, and RemoteEvent and how can i use them in a game?

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Answered by
Im_Kritz 334 Moderation Voter
9 years ago

How I see it is, RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions help regular scripts and local script communicate with each other. Functions can return results after they are called.

Events are the same but can not return anything after they are done.

They are also especially useful for minimizing lag and codes within a FilteringEnabled environment.

More info at the wiki: RemoteEvent

Bindable CANNOT communicate between the client and server. They serve the same purposes of RemoteEvents / functions between two of the same script types, though. Necrorave 560 — 9y

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