How would you add a trail to a projectile?
For the past month or so I've started working on my own game, I script a lot of projectile moves, like if you've watched naruto. But anyway how would you add a trail to this kind of script, I know how to use custom particles, but that's not enough
02 | Player = script.Parent.Parent |
04 | mouse = Player:GetMouse() |
05 | Run = game:GetService( "RunService" ) |
09 | game:GetService( "Chat" ):Chat(Player.Character.Head, msg, Enum.ChatColor.Blue) |
12 | function onKeyDown(key) |
13 | if not enabled then return end |
20 | Talk( "Lend me your power Isobu." ) |
24 | Talk( "True Water Dragon Jutsu!" ) |
25 | Run = game:GetService( "RunService" ) |
26 | RightShoulder = me.Character.Torso [ "Right Shoulder" ] |
27 | LeftShoulder = me.Character.Torso [ "Left Shoulder" ] |
28 | RightShoulder.C 0 = RightShoulder.C 0 *CFrame.Angles( 0 , 0 , - 55 ) |
29 | LeftShoulder.C 0 = LeftShoulder.C 0 *CFrame.Angles( 0 , 0 , 55 ) |
32 | local x = "Part" ) |
33 | x.BrickColor = "Navy blue" ) |
34 | x.Size = Vector 3. new( 30 , 30 , 30 ) |
35 | m = "FileMesh" ) |
38 | m.Scale = Vector 3. new( 55 , 55 , 55 ) |
39 | x.TopSurface = "Smooth" |
40 | x.BottomSurface = "Smooth" |
44 | fd = script.Firedamage:Clone() |
46 | y = "BodyVelocity" ) |
47 | y.maxForce = Vector 3. new( math.huge , math.huge , math.huge ) |
48 | y.velocity = me.Character.Torso.CFrame.lookVector* 80 |
49 | x.Parent = game.Workspace |
51 | x.CFrame = me.Character.Torso.CFrame* 0 , 14 , - 6 ) * CFrame.Angles( 0 , 0 ,i * 0 ) |
53 | game.Debris:AddItem(x, 4 ) |
57 | RightShoulder.C 0 = RightShoulder.C 0 *CFrame.Angles( 0 , 0 , 55 ) |
58 | LeftShoulder.C 0 = LeftShoulder.C 0 *CFrame.Angles( 0 , 0 , - 55 ) |
62 | Run.Stepped:wait( 0.01 ) |
69 | mouse.KeyDown:connect(onKeyDown) |
for me.