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How would you add a trail to a projectile?

Asked by 9 years ago

For the past month or so I've started working on my own game, I script a lot of projectile moves, like if you've watched naruto. But anyway how would you add a trail to this kind of script, I know how to use custom particles, but that's not enough

01local enabled = true
02Player = script.Parent.Parent
03me = Player
04mouse = Player:GetMouse()
05Run = game:GetService("RunService")
06waittime = 10
08function Talk(msg)
09game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(Player.Character.Head, msg, Enum.ChatColor.Blue)
12function onKeyDown(key)
13if not enabled then return end
14enabled = false
15    Key = key:lower()
View all 69 lines...

for me.

Why are custom particles not enough for you..? Just tweak a bunch of particle emitters and then clone them and parent them to your projectile whenever its created. Chronomad 180 — 9y

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