So the script is currently set to edit a bag in workspace, but I need to know how to edit it into making a character have a GUI on their torso, on the front, and then a script edits a name-tag to say their name and a random, but unique code..
function onclick(player) tools=player.Backpack:GetChildren() if(player:FindFirstChild("Bags"))==nil then"Folder") folder.Name="Bags" folder.Parent=player else player.Bags:ClearAllChildren() end for i=1,#tools do if (tools[i]:FindFirstChild("Bag"))~=nil then tools[i].Parent=player.Bags end end location=script.Parent.Parent.Location.Position baghold=player.Bags:GetChildren() for i=1, #baghold do wait(1) baghold[i].Parent=Workspace baghold[i] if(baghold[i].Handle:FindFirstChild("Tag"))==nil then tag=script.Tag:Clone() tag.Parent=baghold[i]:FindFirstChild(baghold[i].MainPart.Value) tag.Player.Text=player.Name end end local function Click(Player) script.Tag.Player.Text = Player.Name end script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(Click) end script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onclick)