plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer mouse = plr:GetMouse() part ="Part") part.Anchored = true follow = false mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() follow = true p = part:Clone() p.Parent = workspace p.Transparency = .5 p.CanCollide = false p.Anchored = true mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() follow = false p.Transparency = 0 p.CanCollide = true end) while follow == true do game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:wait() p.Position =,(mouse.Target.Position.Y) + (mouse.Target.Size.Y/2)-(1),math.floor(mouse.Hit.p.Z)) end end)
this script it sorta like a building script. everything works except for it flickers up and down and i can't figure out why.
the part is supposed be right above the target like this
it flickers much faster than the gif shows