I have been trying to create events that happen when you touch a part with a certain name such as "Kill" on touch of the brick but i have been noticing that the .touched event is not very reliable for getting when a users leg has touched the part. Is there a better way to do this?
function KillOnLeg(touched) if touched:IsA("Part") then if touched.Name == "IntKill" or touched.Name == "Water" then P.Character.Humanoid.Health = -1 wait() end if touched.Name == "Hurt10" then P.Character.Humanoid.Health = P.Character.Humanoid.Health - 10 wait(2) end if touched.Name == "Hurt25" then P.Character.Humanoid.Health = P.Character.Humanoid.Health - 25 wait(3) end if touched.Name == "Hurt50" then P.Character.Humanoid.Health = P.Character.Humanoid.Health - 50 end if touched.Name == "Hurt75" then P.Character.Humanoid.Health = P.Character.Humanoid.Health - 75 wait(4) end wait(2) end end P.Character["Right Leg"].Touched:connect(function(touched) if not activated then activated = true KillOnLeg(touched) wait(1.5) activated = false end end) P.Character["Left Leg"].Touched:connect(function(touched) if not activated then activated = true KillOnLeg(touched) wait(1.5) activated = false end end)