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Is it possible to raise the maximum of leaderstats somehow? [UNANSWERED] [COME ON PEOPLE .-.]

Asked by
obcdino 113
9 years ago

I am making a tycoon, but instead of nerfing all the upgraders (even though i will nerf some), I want to raise my leaderstats maximum.

I use this script to make sure that if it gets negative, it will turn into 0.

while true do
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren())do
if v.leaderstats.Money.Value < 0 then
v.leaderstats.Money.Value = 0

The thing is that my upgraders are massive powerful and will get to negative a LOT. I'm just looking if there is a function or line that can change the maximum? Thanks if you answer!

roblox int values have a limit, but mabye try storing the amount of money in a script variable, then mabye to get it on leaderstats put it as a string? lucas4114 607 — 9y
^ Will try, thanks! obcdino 113 — 9y
Try using number values and math.floor to round it down. dirty_catheter 7 — 9y

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