I have this script:
placeID=ID HERE spawn(function() repeat wait() local h=game:GetService'HttpService' h:GetAsync('http://rproxy.pw/Game/PlaceLauncher.ashx?request=RequestGame&placeId='..tostring(placeID)..'&isPartyLeader=false&gender=&isTeleport=true') until nil end)
and I want to make a GUI with a text box and whatever number I type in the text box it will replace ID HERE in the script with, then when I click the button below, it'll execute the script. Can anyone help with the text box and Script Executing button? I'm not quite sure how to replace ID Here with the number you type in the text box and also not sure how to execute the script when I press a TextButton
Ok, so this is how you can do it.
You need to insert in a TextBox and keep it named TextBox, then insert in a TextButton and keep it named TextButton. You should then make a script in the TextButton (local script) saying:
while true do -- loop wait(1) -- prevent crashes placeID = script.Parent.Parent.TextBox.Text wait(1) -- prevent crashes end function onClicked() -- function local h = game:GetService'HttpService' h:GetAsync('http://rproxy.pw/Game/PlaceLauncher.ashx?request=RequestGame&placeId='..tostring(placeID)..'&isPartyLeader=false&gender==&isTeleport=true') end script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:connect(onClicked) -- triggers function using MouseButton1Down event
The while true do loop keeps up to date tracking on the text that is already in the text box or the text that is inserted in there by the user. All they have to do is click the button.