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Berezaa's Tycoon Door doesnt work?

Asked by 9 years ago

So ive been making a tycoon for awhile i was so happy when i finished i hadnt tested it but the tycoon door does not work if somebody could help Plz do i have wasted 3 days on this.

Here is my script

script.Parent.Head.Touched:connect(function(hit) local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) if player ~= nil then local cashmoney = game.ServerStorage.MoneyStorage:FindFirstChild(player.Name) if cashmoney ~= nil then local ownstycoon = cashmoney:FindFirstChild("OwnsTycoon") if ownstycoon ~= nil then if ownstycoon.Value == false then if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Owner.Value == nil then if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then if hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health > 0 then script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Owner.Value = player ownstycoon.Value = true script.Parent.Name = player.Name.."'s Tycoon" script.Parent.Head.Transparency = 0.6 script.Parent.Head.CanCollide = false player.TeamColor = end end end end end end end end)

Is something wrong with it plz tell me Thanks -RobloxGloryTeam

Let me fix that script copy paste Buddycat1 0 — 9y

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