I have been fooling around with some GUI and I am having trouble with some of the events regarding Input.
Specifically, I am having trouble figuring out which events are exclusive to local scripts and which are not.
I was wondering if someone supply a link that shows you the events you cannot use outside a local script, this is extra though.
script.Parent.InputEnded:connect(function(this) if this then x = 1 end end)
Something like this would work in a client test, but not on a server.
Which leads me to believe that .InputEnded
is specifically for local scripts, but I cannot find anything to verify.
InputEnded also works for Regular script here for example:
game:GetService("UserInputService").InputEnded:connect(function(InputObject) if InputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then Print(InputObject)--Prints Q end end)
GetService() method returns a service with the ClassName requested.
~UserOnly16Charcters, Hoped I helped you to answer your question! If you have any further question, don't hesitate to comment below!!