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How do you put the same clothes on someone if they die and they respawn again?

Asked by
Yeevivor4 155
9 years ago

Hi, what I'm trying to do here is put some clothes on someone when they respawn. **The Problem is that after they die, the person will go back to originally what they were wearing. ** I don't want that to happen and if anyone can help me, I will be really grateful.

function PutClothesOn()

Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local shirt = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Shirt")
                    local pants= Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Pants")
                        repeat wait() until Player.Character
                            shirt.ShirtTemplate =  ""
                            pants.PantsTemplate = ""

function onPlayerRespawned(newPlayer)
        local humanoid =  newPlayer.Character.Humanoid

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Instead of using a Local script to do this why don't you use a Regular Script?

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)--Fires when the Player Joins the game.
Player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(Character)--Fires when the Player's Character spawns or respawns.
    local Shirt = Character:WaitForChild("Shirt")--This wait for the Shirt to load so we don't cause an error later on.
    local Pants = Character:WaitForChild("Pants")--Same goes for this.
        Shirt.ShirtTemplate = ""
        Pants.PantsTemplate = ""

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