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How can I make a billboard?

Asked by 11 years ago

So, I am making an early entry for the BLOXY Awards. I don't really want to give too much away because I don't want anyone stealing my idea! But, I need a screen that has windows that are moveable so I can move them around the screen. I don't want it to be like on the player's screen but I want it on the screen. I think it has something to do with billboard GUI's but I don't know what they are! Here is an example of what I want it to be like...

Brick made invisible (This will be the screen) "Windows or tabs" put onto the brick "Windows or tabs" should be able to move around but only on the screen brick, nowhere else.

I also want the "Tabs" to have decals on them.

I want it to look like a screen you might see in James Bond or something!


1 answer

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Answered by 11 years ago

First off, since the GUI is being made on a brick, you'll have to use the new SurfaceGUI. You create your framers and your ImageBox, or whatever it's called, to insert your Decal. Now you can have images on your screen. Since you want them to be able to drag them around on the Brick, you will have to make a script where the GUI is moved with the MouseButton1Down and the MouseMoved event. If there's any of these terms you didn't understand, ask me, or go check it out on the wiki. I hope I helped ;)

Hi! Thanks for answering so quickly. I didn't understand most of what you said! I have literally no scripting knowledge at all, I can play music but that is all. TheTailsideGuest 0 — 11y

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