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What exactly do parameters do in functions?

Asked by 9 years ago

Okay, so I have a basic knowledge about functions, and ROBLOX Lua in general. So while I was looking around in the forums, I noticed a lot of things like this


I've read the ROBLOX Wiki to see if I could understand from what it says there, but I still have absolutely no idea. Some help would be much appreciated.

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Answered by
Goulstem 8144 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator
9 years ago

What is a Parameter?

A Parameter is any value taken in by a function. These are the same values that you will use as Arguments for calling the function.

How do I Define a Parameter?

The definition of a function's Parameters occurs in the definition of said function. The syntax for defining functions, as you may know, is this;

function [function_name] ()



See the parentheses former to the declaration of the function's name? Any and all parameters that you want the function to contain will be defined between the bounds of the parentheses.

function Greet(String)
        The function 'Greet' can now take in an argument. 
        The argument will be equivalent to 'String'.

How Do I Use a Parameter?

The way I see it, there are two perspectives you must adapt while working with functions. The definition of the function, and the calling of the function.

To actually use a parameter you need to expand your perspective to the Calling side. The function that was defined above took in the parameter 'String', and printed it. So now all that's left is to call the function, and provide the arguments.

Greet("Hello") --> Hello

Look in your output window, you should see the word "Hello" pop up.

Correlation to Your Example

Now that you have some insight on what parameters are, as well as how to define and use them, I can elaborate on your specific example;


What you have provided here, is the definition of a PlayerAdded event. The parameter 'player' is going to be equivalent to whatever player had joined when the event was fired.

You can use the key phrase 'player' to access the newly added player.

Oh, so from what you said, it seems that the parameter is a value that is assigned later in the script? This is one of the best explanations I think I've ever seen on this site. Thank you, kind sir. Flyanide 40 — 9y
No problem mayann. Goulstem 8144 — 9y

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