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Why is my script not working for my bricks?

Asked by 9 years ago

This is for soming im working on, It changes the colors of thing b Is red and a is green Please help. If you still dont know what it is it changes the color of soming in my game.

--Varible Farm
a = script.Parent.a1.BrickColor
b = script.Parent.a2.BrickColor
c = script.Parent.a1.BrickColor
d = script.Parent.a3.BrickColor
e = script.Parent.a4.BrickColor
f = script.Parent.a5.BrickColor
g = script.Parent.a6.BrickColor
h = script.Parent.a7.BrickColor
i = script.Parent.b1.BrickColor
j = script.Parent.b2.BrickColor
k = script.Parent.b3.BrickColor
l = script.Parent.b4.BrickColor
n = script.Parent.b5.BrickColor
o = script.Parent.b6.BrickColor
p = script.Parent.b7.BrickColor
r = Really red
q = Bright green
--Ever Thing Below CHanges the color
    while true do
    a = r
    wait (0.2)
    b = r
    wait (0.1)
    c = q
    wait (0.5)
    d = r
    wait (0.2)
    e = q
    wait (0.3)
    f = r
    wait (0.2)
    g = r
    wait (0.5)
    h = q
    wait (0.1)
    i = q
    wait (0.1)
    j = r
    wait (0.3)
    k = r
    wait (0.1)
    l = r
    wait (0.3)
    n = q
    wait (0.1)
    o = q
    wait (0.2)
    p = r
    wait (0.1)
        a = q
    wait (0.2)
    b = q
    wait (0.1)
    c = r
    wait (0.5)
    d = q
    wait (0.2)
    e = r
    wait (0.3)
    f = r
    wait (0.2)
    g = q
    wait (0.5)
    h = r
    wait (0.1)
    i = r
    wait (0.1)
    j = q
    wait (0.3)
    k = q
    wait (0.1)
    l = q
    wait (0.3)
    n = r
    wait (0.1)
    o = r
    wait (0.2)
    p = q

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