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What is tick() ?

Asked by
Nidoxs 190
9 years ago

I've seen it in a sword script, so you can lunge again before 1 second. I know that tick() has somthing to do with January, 1, 1970???? Can you have a detailed explanation please. Perhaps a piece of code to help me understand it more. Thanks! Much Appreciated!

Search for 'tick' on this site and you'll get tons of results. Perci1 4988 — 9y

2 answers

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Answered by 9 years ago

This is used to find the number of seconds it's been since January, 1, 1970. This can be used for daily rewards so it saves the tick() when they claim it and every so often checks if their saved tick() take away the current tick() (oldTick()-tick()) is more than or equal to 86400 (a day in seconds) then it does something.

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Answered by 9 years ago

okay i suggest possably make it so that tick() allows the sword to sort of go foward of char then wait 1.5 secs then make it repeat on click and make damage around 30ish to 50ish

make it like that and it might work make ur choice to use it rigbehatesyou 0 — 9y

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