I am trying to make a horror game. I have made a cutscene script to make a camera get closer to a hidden part; where the monster is.
But after the camera gets close to the monster I don't know how to make his head turn fast; kinda turn very fast (only one movement and it looks at the camera). So I am using CFrame
to make this.
Here's what i made:
Zombey = game.Workspace.Zombey.part1 function onTouch() for _, part in next,game.Selection:Get() do Zombey.CFrame=part.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,0,0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(50),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) end -- This needed to make his head turn, but it won't work. end script.Parent.Touched:connect (onTouch)
I tryed this but his head won't turn. Thx for the help!