hello can you know how to make a script so as i touch a brick it turns to another color? P.S need it for my new game in progress,Malware invasion. and also i need to do a lift like in flood escape... you know...... making the game on rounds. The point of the game is to get rid of the malwares comes in the city: viruses,worms,trojans. i want to do those scripts: when viruses touch you,makes you do spam messages without doing anything.... when worms touch you, removes your arms,legs,body,and head and hen you die.... trojans hit you with lightings that kill ya..... answer just script pro's...... umm,and when you touch the brick to change the color, viruses,worms.trojans dissapear.... do you know how to do that? remember,script pro's answear thiss.... ???????????
Well, let's assume that the brick is the scripts parent. From this we can create a Touched event that will check when a player has touched the brick. From this we can then go onto changing the colour of the brick using BrickColor.random() and then we can create a Table of a list of items in Workspace you want removing. We could then go on to do a For Loop across Workspace and if the name matches, then the script removes it. Next we need to make sure we have a debounce so that the touched event doesn't occur twice simultaneously. So the final script ends up like this:
01 | local Brick = script.Parent --The Brick |
02 | local Debounce = false --Debounce for safety |
03 | local BadThings = { --List of things you want removing |
04 | [ "virus" ] = true ; |
05 | [ "worm" ] = true ; |
06 | [ "trojan" ] = true ; |
07 | } |
08 |
09 | Brick.Touched:connect( function (Hit) --Detects brick being touched |
10 | if Debounce = = false then |
11 | Debounce = true |
12 | local Hum = Hit.Parent:findFirstChild( "Humanoid" ) |
13 | if Hum then --Checking that what touched it is a Player |
14 | Brick.BrickColor = BrickColor.random() --Random BrickColor |
15 | for _,v in next Workspace:GetChildren() do --For loop |
it's easy,
1 | function onTouch(Player) --no other brick can activate it, only the player. |
2 | wait( 0.2 ) |
3 | game.Workspace.Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random() |
4 | end |
5 | script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouch) |
it was tested.