I'm looking to get this script changed so instead of it awarding all the players at the same time, it's a local script in the Gui so each player gets cash at different times from anyone else, but I can't seem to figure out how. Can anyone help?
local moneytime = 300 while wait(1) do moneytime = moneytime - 1 if (moneytime == 0) then moneytime = 300 playersa = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1, #playersa do playersa[i].PlayerGui.Cash_V2.Shadow.Cash.Text = "Awarding cash..." wait(1) playersa[i].cash.Value = playersa[i].cash.Value + 50 end end playersa = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1, #playersa do playersa[i].PlayerGui.Cash_V2.Shadow.Cash.Text = "You'll receive $50 after " .. tostring(moneytime) playersa[i].PlayerGui.Cash_V2.Shadow.UserCash.Text = "$" .. tostring(playersa[i].cash.Value) end end