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Why doesn't my c4 work after I detonate it? (SOLVED)

Asked by 8 years ago

I made a few edits and I fixed it myself

I am making a c4 explosive. When I place the c4 down and explode it, it does not let me place down any more c4. it gives me no errors.

local tool = script.Parent local mo local c4s local c4ob = game.ServerStorage.C4 local c4tab = {} function c4(m) m.Button1Down:connect(detonate) m.Button2Down:connect(place) while true do mo = m.Hit wait(0.01) end end -------------------------------- function detonate() tool.Handle.Detonation:Play() wait(0.1) for i=1,#c4tab do if tool.C4 ~= nil then local gui = tool.C4.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.Text local det ="Explosion",game.Workspace) print("detonate") c4tab[i].Explosion:Play() det.Position = c4tab[i].Position det.BlastRadius = 30 det.BlastPressure = 500000 det.DestroyJointRadiusPercent = 50 c4tab[i]:Remove() else break end end end ----------------------------------------- function place() if #c4tab <5 then if (script.Parent.Parent.Torso.Position - mo.p).magnitude < 25 then local c4c = c4ob:Clone() c4c.CFrame = c4c.Parent = script.Parent c4c.u1.CFrame = c4c.u2.CFrame = print("placed") table.insert(c4tab,c4c) c4s = c4c end end end ----------------------------------------- script.Parent.Equipped:connect(c4)
Can you put the error please ? Vitou 65 — 8y

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