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I have a logic problem?

Asked by 9 years ago

So basically, all i want to do is, look through the length f the players, and then one of those players are Class1, then we get another random player, this time the player is Class 2, the rest of the players which aren't any of the two are Class3. So 1 player is Class1 another("Different") player is Class2 and the rest are basically Class3.

I then want that value signaled back to the script this is called in, so that i can determine which of the players(That i iterate over once again) are class1, class2 and the rest which are classified as class3, then i show them a display based on that. (Sorry for long explanation!)

Thanks in advance!

This is what i got:

01local ClassManager = {}
03local rndm = math.random()
05local classes = { murder, sheriff, inno }
07local class = classes[math.random(1,#classes)]
09function ClassManager:DisplayClass()
10    for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
11local gui = v.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ScreenGui")
12        local class1disp= gui:FindFirstChild("ClassDisplayiNormal")
13        local class2disp= gui:FindFirstChild("ClassDisplayArmed")
14        local class3disp= gui:FindFirstChild("ClassDisplayInnocent")
15                local class1 = v[math.random(1,#v)]
View all 32 lines...

The thing is, it always shows the class1 display regardless. Anybody, please help! And as an side note, i call this in an Module script that is then called in an Normal Server Script, They are all inside ServerScriptService.

1return ClassManager
put it in a code block please. Its easier to read. TrollD3 105 — 9y
I edited the post to use a Lua code block (I put ~~~~ before and after the code) BlueTaslem 18071 — 9y
Thanks but, i still kind of need help :( faisal1207 0 — 9y

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