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How do you make a Teleporter Pad from one place in another in the same game?

Asked by 9 years ago

I want to try and make an Orbital Elevator from Halo, so I wanted to use Teleporter Pads to teleport you from the planet's surface to a space station. So I looked up a tutorial made about a week ago, so it's recent, and I did what it said, and copied the script and everything, but it didn't work. I tried again with something smaller in mind, still no sucess. Then I found this group, so I thought, "Maybe these guys can help me." So, mind helping out a fellow player and builder?

Also, I'm a noob to scripting and building... john1179876 0 — 9y
I could make a youtube tut about it. Check these tuts: FiredDusk 1466 — 9y

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Answered by 9 years ago

To teleport a player, you'll need to change a players position a player was linked by weld, so if u simply change a players; position, you may kill him to solve this method, it is better to change a players' CFrame

so when should a player teleported? it is recommended to ask a player to touch a part to teleport. so the concept is like: after a player touch a teleporter,he will be teleported to that position. here is the script:

function OnTouched(hit)
    if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- check whether the object has humanoid ,i.e. a "living thing"[[input the position x,y and z]])

script.Parent.Touched:connect(OnTouched)--fire the function if the parent of the script is touched

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