-- First lets remove the old hats! for i,v in pairs(player:GetChildren()) do -- Lets get the Player's Characters Children! if v:IsA("Hat") then -- Beep beep beep, we found one! ypcall(function() -- Why not have some protection? v:Destroy() -- Boom, hat is gone! end) -- end for ypcall end -- end for if statement end -- end for searching Characters children -- Now we need the hats you want to give to the player! local AssetIds = {1365696,1365693} -- Put the hat asset ids into here, I put two example ids in for i,v in pairs(AssetIds) do -- Going through table game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(v):GetChildren()[1].Parent = player -- Inserting hat and parenting to Players character end -- End for going through AssetIds table
It is supposed to let you remove your old hat and get a new one once the gui is click but the output says. Players.Player.PlayerGui.NewClothesGui.MorphButton.Hat script:2: attempt to index global 'player' (a nil value)
You didn't define player,
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer