local Part = game.ReplicatedStorage.Part local Names = {"Part", "Part2"} Position = 84.98, 48.33, -225 for i,v in pairs(Part :GetChildren()) do if v.Name == Names[math.random(1, #Names)] then wait(0.1) local Part = v:Clone() Part .Position = Vector3.new(Position) Part .Anchored = true end end
You do need to parent it and tab it just like NotSoNorm said but also.. You have 2 variables called "Part"
local Part = game.ReplicatedStorage.Part --Variable called "Part" local Names = {"Part", "Part2"} Position = 84.98, 48.33, -225 for i,v in pairs(Part:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == Names[math.random(1, #Names)] then wait(0.1) local Part = v:Clone() --Variable called "Part" part.Parent = game.Workspace -- change game.Workspace to path Part.Position = Vector3.new(Position) Part.Anchored = true end end
NotSoNorm might be right but I feel that this should not have 2 variables w/ then same name.
You have to define where it goes! It will not appear because it doesn't spawn until you parent it. (oh yeah and tab your code nob)
local Part = game.ReplicatedStorage.Part local Names = {"Part", "Part2"} Position = 84.98, 48.33, -225 for i,v in pairs(Part:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == Names[math.random(1, #Names)] then wait(0.1) local Part = v:Clone() part.Parent = game.Workspace -- change game.Workspace to path Part.Position = Vector3.new(Position) Part.Anchored = true end end