i was wundering if you could put a clicked event into a text label if its possible please tell me
To convert textlabels
to textbuttons
, all you have to do is simply make a script for it in the command bar. It involves sending each component of the text label to the button. This script will change EVERY text label in a GUI. Keep in mind that if you want some text labels to STAY text labels, you will have to put their UNIQUE name into the table (if it isn't unique, you may have a label that needs to be converted to a textbutton be overlooked because of the name).
local tab = {DontRemoveMe = true,IMSTEVE = true} -- All textlabels with names of strings in the table can be ignored; alter this as you see fit. function goThrough(obj) for _,v in pairs(obj:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("TextLabel") and not tab[v.Name] then local txtB = Instance.new("TextButton") txtB.Active = v.Active txtB.BackgroundColor3 = v.BackgroundColor3 txtB.BackgroundTransparency = v.BackgroundTransparency txtB.BorderColor3 = v.BorderColor3 txtB.BorderSizePixel = v.BorderSizePixel txtB.Position = v.Position txtB.Size = v.Size txtB.Rotation = v.Rotation txtB.Selectable = v.Selectable txtB.SizeConstraint = v.SizeConstraint txtB.Visible = v.Visible txtB.ZIndex = v.ZIndex txtB.Font = v.Font txtB.FontSize = v.FontSize txtB.Text = v.Text txtB.TextColor3 = v.TextColor3 txtB.TextStrokeColor3 = v.TextStrokeColor3 txtB.TextStrokeTransparency = v.TextStrokeTransparency txtB.TextTransparency = v.TextTransparency txtB.TextWrapped = v.TextWrapped txtB.TextXAlignment = v.TextXAlignment txtB.TextYAlignment = v.TextYAlignment txtB.ClipsDescendants = v.ClipsDescendants txtB.Draggable = v.Draggable txt.Name = v.Name v:Destroy() txtB.Parent = obj end if #v:GetChildren()>0 then goThrough(v) end end end goThrough(game.StarterGui.GameGUI) -- Or whatever it's named.