Before you suggest the wiki, I already scanned the wiki, I couldn't find any sources. OK, so I am working on a plugin port of my Paint Bucket which BlueTaslem helped me with a while back, I am trying to add a GUI, I don't want to script it, so I added a ScreenGui with the stuff I want (it still uses a script to compile the colors and stuff), I will give you a snippet of my GUI code where it should show:
--set up the GUI gui = Interface:Clone() --(BREAKPOINT) gui.Parent = paintBtn.Click:connect(function() print("Plugin is now active") plugin:Activate(true) -- Neccessary to listen to mouse input gui.BTPaintToolGUI.Visible = true end)
All of the variables are defined, so yeah. What do I set the parent of the variable gui
Where I put (BREAKPOINT)
is where I am having issues, is setting the gui.Parent.
If I need improvements or more details, add a comment and I will try my best. Thank you guys for helping me in advance -funzrey