local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local plr = player:WaitForDataReady() see = game.Workspace.See local text = player.Name.." have died in 2015 as a result from old age." game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) repeat wait() until plr see.BillboardGui.Name.Text = text end)
So I have a grave built and I have a (Textbutton), and whenever a player joins the game I want them to see their name instead of the others and I am using a localscript, idk where to put this local script too. (game.Workspace.see.BillboardGui.Button) part=see billboardgui=BillboardGui Textbutton=Button
I would like help please.
Try this.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer see = game.Workspace.See local text = (player.Name .." has died in 2015 as a result from old age.") repeat wait() until player.DataReady see.BillboardGui.Name.Text = text